I've been asked about my trip to Romania, how was fishing there. The truth is, I went there with great expectations and returned disappointed. Overall I found the rivers in a much worse shape then two years ago. Nothing was done, no stocking, no guarding, logging industry is killing the last corners of untouched nature, destroying the little streams where trout used to spawn. The chaos is ruling the legislation, nobody knows who's taking care of the waters and illegal fishing and poaching are at their peaks. Less and smaller fish, on rivers with great potential, but ignored, over fished and with their flow reduced by drought and human interference in the ecosystem. It's a dark, but real picture of what's happening in Romania right now and the future doesn't look brighter at all. The legislators are not doing anything but creating confusion, with inapplicable laws that change a few times a year and only voluntary work done by a handful of wonderful people that still care is helping some rivers survive. But the law doesn't even protect their work.
I'm never sad when fishing but this time it was hurting to see the wild browns and graylings continuing to fight for their survival with less and less chances to make it to the next year. Don't ask me why, but that little graylig meant more to me than a 4 pounds broodstock salmon on the Pemi.
I only went fishing 3 times, once with my friend Nelu on the river of my childhood (the browns on a dry fly are spectacular, and their size didn't matter. I was HOME.) and a couple of times alone on other streams that used to be my favourite places to skip a day at school during colege. The weather didn't help too much either, with rain and high waters after a couple of weeks of low flows.
Unfortunately nothing we can do, nobody cares, we can only hope....
Sebastian, it's not like that in all Romania..there are places with reduced poaching and logging still...I'm struggling to put this country in the light it deserves to be...let's not be negativists folks..Cheer up and keep it tight to the bug!! Stop by my home river next time!!
I didn't say all the rivers are the same, but I've seen 4 rivers that were in a much worse shape than 2 yrs ago. an none that is getting better. AT the contest you guys had in May, on probably the best river in Transilvania at this moment, 48 people caught in total 10 fish over 12 inches long. Here, I caught more this morning, in 6 hrs, alone. And I'm not saying this to brag about it or to sound negative, it's just dark, cruel reality.
Im an american planning on moving to Romania very soon to be with my Fiance who is Romanian and lives in Romania.From why i see Romania is so beautifull.My passion is fishing and fly fishing is big on my list.I think the problem you discuss my just need great conservation by clubs and orginasation and huge effort to bring attention of this problem to all romanians.I know here where i live in Florida fishermen were seeing a decline in fish populations from the use of gill nets by comercial fishermen.We banded togeather and put pressure on legislators to make new law outlawing the use of gill nets.We brought the issue to the public by use of local media to make the general public aware of the problem.Finaly when this new law came on the ballot and the residents of my state went to the polls to vote this new bill was voted into law by an overwelming majority.5 years after this law went into effect the fish populations returned like no one had seen in 50 years.The key to winning this vote was making the public aware of the problem.
Hi Andrew! things are moving in some areas, but slowly. You are right, the places where people get involved do better, but overall the negative pressure from logging, hydro power, pure negligence or lack of education is overwhelming. Check my last post from Romania. where exactly are you moving to?
Hi Sebastian...my name is Sebastian... and I will invite to visit...and we can talk after..
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