I returned today to the brook I was fishing on Saturday, but this time I went closer to the Winnipesaukee river, hoping for some more fish. I hooked 3 in total, all brookies, but only managed to land one of them. They didn't come at the surface, I had to go deep and I lost 2 flies in the sunken branches. It's an ugly stream to fish, but hey, it has some fish and it's really close to where I live. So it's perfect for an "after work" fishing session.
It was funny that I saw when two of the fish took the fly. The 2 I've lost. So I think I just got too nervous and set the hook too fast. I don't know, maybe I was a coincidence.
You can see the in the picture the fly I am using, the same that brought me the rainbows Saturday night. But I'm running low in hooks: Daichii 2220 size 8. I guess I'll have to take another trip to Concord soon.
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