Monday, October 12, 2009

Last trip

Last trip of the year 2009 to Pittsburg. Oct 15 brings the end of the season and a well deserved break for the fish in Upper Connecticut River. The foliage combined with the natural beauty of northern NH are creating one of the most picturesque places from the east coast which attracts thousands of tourists yearly.

Fishing was pretty good, no real trophies, but some beautiful fish, plus the relaxation that fishing in such a beautiful spot can bring. I targeted mostly landlocked salmon and I ended up catching quite a few of them, plus some rainbows and a splendid male brookie, in full spawn colors.

Freezing in the morning:

Best solution for cold weather - some adrenalin in your system:

This was the view from our dining room at lunch time that day:

Then more fish:

At least once that day I was happy it was cold:

And some more pictures on the way back:


George said...

Cool pics, great scenery!! What hotel is that?

sebastian said...

thanks! it's the balsams in dixville notch.

Carmen said...

Ce-i chestia aia agatata in copac?

sebastian said...

un cuib de viespi :D