Avem un nou membru al familiei, o cheama Lilly si e o femela de arici african. Maine implineste 10 saptamani si e o nazdravana deja. Am pus cateva poze aici pentru cei carora le-ar face placere sa le vada.
I came back with some more picture from the 2 hrs I've spent on Hopkinton Lake this Sunday. I caught the biggest bass of this season and Diana got some really inspired shots of wildlife or just nature. Enjoy!
I haven't done too much fishing lately. Water levels were impossible lately and lack of time finished the job of keeping me away from the river. However, in one trip to Franklin at Eastman Falls I was able to land a few fish, including this skinny salmon. Good news is that fish are still there, the high water kept the temperatures lower in the river and trapped more O2, keeping the fishermen away, too.