Month of August was terrible for fishing from my point of view. An incredible amount of rain, doubled by a lot of overtime at work almost cut down to zero my chances to teach my flies to swim. On top of this, it was time to do some hiking because my third summer here is almost gone and there are a lot of great places still undiscovered in the area. So we ended up with some wonderful hikes. Here are some pictures from the White Mountains:

The last trip was this past Sunday, on Mount Jefferson, the fifth peak as hight in the state. It was a 4 hours hike that was worth every moment. On the way back I couldn't pass by a small mountain brook that looked pretty interesting so I grabbed my rod for a quickie: 20 minutes. First impression wasn't very good, water was really shallow, clear, plus a dried earthworm on a rock cut some of my enthusiasm. I remembered seeing somebody fishing in the area in the morning, on the way up, and he wasn't fly fishing. I gave it a try though.

I am a big fan of fallen trees and logs in the water, and I wasn't wrong this time. Those two trees brought me the only fish of the night, a brookie that managed to survive somehow between the "worm-ers".

It was a clean take, I extracted it right from the current, between those 2 trees. The fly: hare's ear with tungsten bead and crystal flash ribbing. One of my first choices when talking about trout fishing. A couple of pictures and back to where it belongs. Too beautiful to keep...
Some people won't believe that this tiny fish could make me feel happy. But it was the he drop that completed a perfect day in the middle of the nature.

This weekend I'm going in a place where a few years ago I could only dream that I will ever go. Hopefully some fishing will be involved... won't say another word, see you next week.